CSC project Requirement Engineering | CSC Project

Requirement Engineering

The method of stabilizing the assistance that the buyer requires from an arrangement and the requirement supporting which it functions and is produced. Requirement reflects the needs of customer for a system that serves a certain purpose such as controlling a device, placing a command or finding information.

                                                            Figure Use Case Diagram for TMS

Requirement Analysis

The fundamental examination gives the software author with a symbol of knowledge, function, and performance that can be interpreted to information, developmental, interface, and component-level devices. In the subsequent task conditions, the stress interpretation was prepared. Fundamentals engineering leads to the method of establishing, documenting, and reporting obligations and to the sub fields of methods engineering and software engineering involved in this manner. Planning and building an elegant machine detail that solves the opposite difficulty assists no one’s need. That’s why it is necessary to explain what the consumer wants ere we begin to create and develop a computer-based method. Necessaries Communications Requirements engineering is, as its name insinuates, the engineering development of setting user requirements and defining software systems. There are many explanations of Requirements Engineering; nevertheless, they all receive the idea that obligations include getting out what somebody wants from a computer operation and learning what their obligations mean in the duration of design. Requirements planning is intimately related to software engineering, which concentrates more on the means of creating the operation that users require.

       User requirements

       System requirements

       Functional requirements

       Non-functional requirements

       Hardware requirement

       Software requirement

User Requirements

The User Specification Report (URD) or user demand stipulation is a paper normally done in software engineering that stipulates what the user requires the software to be ready to do. Once the essential knowledge is simply assumed it is documented in a URD, which is expected to spell out precisely what the software must do and displays part of the contractual agreement. A buyer cannot require leaders, not in the URD, whilst the developer cannot require the outcome is available if it does not engage an object of the URD.

The user requirements of the system are listed below:

1.     Admin will have to login to enter to the dashboard.

2.     Admin can manage all agents, drivers and rent info.

3.     Admin can manage district management info.

4.     Admin can store, view and edit the car info.

5.     Admin will get notification about car storage limitation

6.     Admin can print income info

7.     Agent will have to login to enter to the user panel.

8.     Agent can manage car trip .

9.     Agent can manage payment info

10.  Agent can modify reservation info.

11.  Agent can print the income report info.

12.  Customer will have to login to enter to the dashboard

13.  Agent will be able to send confirmation messages to customer.

14.  Customer can add and see car reservation info.


System Requirements

1. Admin will have to login to enter to the dashboard

1.1 First of all admin should input his/her id and password.

1.2 Click on login button.

1.3 Admin dashboard will open or if any error then shows invalid id or password.


2. Admin can manage all agents and drivers.

2.1 Select Add new driver/ Add new agent/ new rent/insert access option.

2.2 If admin fill up all the information properly then he/she can save it.

2.3 If admin keep any blank in form then system will show error message.

2.4 After successfully insert data, the system will view driver/agent info.

            2.5 Admin can update the information of driver/agent/rent.

3.  Admin can manage district management info.

3.1 Select Add new district/Thant/ insert access option.

            3.2 If admin fill up all the information properly then system will save the data.

            3.3 If admin keep any blank in form then system will show error message.

3.4 After successfully insert data, the system will view district info.

3.5 Admin can update the information of district.

4. Admin can store, view, search and edit car info.

4.1 Select Add new car/ insert access option.

4.2 If admin fill up all the information properly then system will save the data.

4.3 If admin keep any blank in form then system will show error message.

4.4 After successfully insert data, the system will view car info.

4.5 Admin car search data based on location.

4.6 Admin can update the information of car.

4.7 Admin can delete the information of car if needed.


5. Admin will get notification about car storage limitation.

5.1 Every location will have storage limitation for car store.

5.2 If admin want to store more number of cars then system will produce                                              

                  a notification about storage limitation.

5.3 The system will show how many car you can store in several location.

6. Admin can print income info.

6.1 Admin can print all income report.

6.2 Admin can print income report for a specific date or location based.


7. Agent will have to login to enter to the dashboard.

7.1 First of all agent should input his/her id and password.

7.2 Click on login button.

7.3 Agent dashboard will open or if any error then shows invalid id or password.



8. Agent can manage all car trips.

8.1 Select Add new car trip/ insert access option.

8.2 If agent fills up all the information properly then data can save it.

8.3 If agent keeps any blank in form then system will show error message.

8.4 After successfully insert data, the system will view available car info.

8.5 If the car trip info insert successful then system will reduce a car from storage

8.6 When the car trip reached another location and received car then storage will

                  Add the car and that location storage car will increase. 

8.8 Agent can delete the information of car trip if needed.

9. Agent can manage all payment info.

9.1 Select Add new payment/ insert access option.

9.2 If agent fill up all the information properly then data can save it.

9.3 If agent keep necessary blank in form then system will show error message.

            9.4 After successfully insert data, the system will view payment info.

10. Agent can view and cancel reservation info.

10.1 Agent can view reservation info.

            10.2 Agent can delete the information of reservation if needed


11. Agent can print income info.

11.1 Agent can print all income report.

11.2 Agent can print income report for a specific date or location based.


 12. Customer will have to login to enter to the dashboard

12.1 At first customer will register by him self

12.2 Then customer should input his/her id and password.

12.3 Click on login button.

12.4 If id or password does not match it will show notification.

12.5 If match id and password then Customer dashboard will open

13. Customer will have to apply for car reservation.

13.1 Customer will have to input the info for reservation

13.2 If the reservation fail or success system will show a notification

13.4 Customer gives the partial payment for reservation.

Functional Requirements

  • Admin can maintain whole system.
  • Admin can add, and edit agent, driver and district info.
  • Admin can add, view, search and edit car info
  • Agent can add, edit, and view car trip, payment, expense info
  • Agent can edit reservation
  • Show available car, total income, and car trip
  • Generate different report.


Non-Functional Requirements:

  • System will have secure login and different privilege for admin, agent and customer
  • Password will be encrypted using password field
  • Password will be retrieved by sending reset link to the mail.


Hardware Requirement:

The hardware listed by no means a minimum requirement to run the system, but rather a base limit for running the system smoothly and comfortably. This is also considering the potential amount of traffic that may go through the server.

·       Network Server: Xampp Server Bitnami 5.6.30

·       Server-Side Scripting: PHP 5.6

·       Database Generator: MySQL 5.1.34

·       Database Tools: MySQL Manager, MySQL Query Browser

·       Designing Tools:, Ms information

·       Handbook Director: Noble Text, Brackets.

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